"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." Rush Alpha Phi Omega Spring 2017

Who are we?

We are the Alpha Phi Omega-Gamma Beta Chapter at San Jose State University. Alpha Phi Omega Alpha Phi Omega is a coeducational National Service Fraternity with more than 400,000 members on over 375 campuses. Since 1939, Alpha Phi Omega has given students at San Jose State the opportunity to develop Leadership, promote Friendship, and provide Service to the campus, community and country. Upholding our cardinal principles of Leadership, Friendship, and Service, we continuously volunteer our time to give back to the San Jose community. We extend our warm welcome to you to learn more about our organization to see what Alpha Phi Omega has in store for you!

Rush Information
Stop by our table on Paseo de Cesar Chavez to meet our brothers and get one of these flyers! Look for the ΑΦΩ Letters!
Rush Events
Numbers correspond to order of Rush Events below. "T" represents tabling areas.

Tabling: Monday-Thursday 1/26-2/09 on Paseo De Cesar Chavez. Tabling will be on Tower Lawn on 2/07 for the Student Organization Fair.

  1. MONDAY 1/30 - LEADERSHIP 6PM-8PM in DMH 208 // Leadership development doesn’t have to be boring! Join our brothers for a night of team building activities and learn how you can grow within our organization.
  2. TUESDAY 1/31 - FRIENDSHIP 5PM-6:30PM in SU MEETING ROOM 3A // Embrace your competitive spirit and join our brothers for a fun night of games. Learn more about what fellowship means to our organization.
  3. THURSDAY 2/02 - *INFO NIGHT 6PM-8PM in DMH 355 // Learn what Alpha Phi Omega is all about, how you can join, and what to expect from our nation’s premier collegiate service organization.
  4. FRIDAY 2/03 - BARBEQUE 12PM-4PM at A.S. BBQ PITS // Look, we know you want free food. This is that event. Spend your Friday afternoon eating and mingling with our brothers.
  5. MONDAY 2/06 - SERVICE 6:30PM-8PM in SH 241 // Community service can be done in many different ways. Join our brothers in creating do-it-yourself crafts to donate for a cause.
  6. THURSDAY 2/09 - *INFO NIGHT 6PM-8PM in DMH 355 // Learn what Alpha Phi Omega is all about, how you can join, and what to expect from our nation’s premier collegiate service organization.
  7. FRIDAY 2/10 - PINNING NIGHT 5:30PM LOCATION TBA // Take the first step towards your journey to becoming a member of Alpha Phi Omega. RSVP Required.

*One INFO NIGHT is required to attend PINNING NIGHT.

Rush FAQ

What is Alpha Phi Omega?

Alpha Phi Omega is a national coeducational service organization founded on the principles of Leadership, Friendship and Service. We provide our members the opportunity to develop leadership skills as they volunteer on their campus, in their community, to the nation, and to the organization. With more than 400,000 members on over 375 campuses, Alpha Phi Omega continues to provide more service on more campuses than any other collegiate service organization.

When can I get information regarding how to join?

  • Stop by our table on Paseo de San Carlos. We will be there Monday-Thursday from 1/26 to 2/09! We will be happy to give you a flyer and answer any of your questions regarding how to join. You can also find the flyer on our Facebook event page.
  • Attend our Information Nights on 2/02 and 2/09 (More details on flyer)
  • Email our Rush Chairs, Paige Omandam and Steven Nam Dang Le, at rush@apogb.org.

Who can join Alpha Phi Omega?

Everyone regardless of age, gender identity, major, ethnicity, leadership experience and community service experience can join Alpha Phi Omega. The only pre-requisite is that you are a student at San Jose State.

What does it mean to be an APO "pledge"?

Every semester, Alpha Phi Omega initiates a new pledge class. During Rush Week in the beginning of the semester, we promote our organization through tabling as well as host social and informational events. The only pre-requisite for being eligible for initiation into this semester's pledge class is attendance of Information Night, but we encourage everyone to attend the other events as well. After being initiated into the pledge class, pledges undergo a pledge process where they learn about the history of our organization and fulfill a set amount of requirements. In the principles of Leadership, Friendship, and Service, each pledge will learn how to be a brother of Alpha Phi Omega.

Will I get hazed?

You will not get hazed. Hazing is against the Alpha Phi Omega and University policy. Hazing refers to any act that causes or is likely to cause bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm. We do not tolerate or allow such actions.

Am I allowed to be in both Alpha Phi Omega and a social fraternity or sorority?

Yes, we allow anyone involved in another Greek fraternity/sorority to pledge for Alpha Phi Omega. And vice versa- you may also pledge for a social fraternity/sorority after becoming a member of Alpha Phi Omega. However, you may not pledge for another Greek organization and Alpha Phi Omega simultaneously.

How much of a time commitment is pledging?

We understand that as students, we have to find a balance between our academics, social life, jobs, etc. Pledging is a commitment that will prove to be time consuming, but rewarding in the end. However, if time is an issue this semester, there is no obligation to join right away. We accept pledges every semester, so we always welcome you to join us whenever you feel the time is right. To learn more specific details about the time commitment, please join us for our Information Nights on 2/02 or 2/09 (More details on flyer).

What leadership and networking opportunities are available through Alpha Phi Omega?

Our organization would not be able to thrive on this campus without the leadership of our brothers. Every semester, brothers are given the opportunity to run for our executive committee and chair positions. Leadership is not only a position- it is also the ongoing support of the other brothers assisting the executive committee behind the scenes. There is a multitude of opportunities for leadership development to take advantage of. Since our organization welcomes students of all majors, our alumni share networking opportunities for many different fields of study.

Our Cardinal Principles


Community service is the forefront of our organization. We devote our time to providing service to the community, campus and country.

Here's a glimpse of some of the service events that we participate in.


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