Brandun Martinez BIM 1 Period 1

January 4

How was you break and what did you do?

My break was good, for Christmas i went to Dallas with my whole family to see my ant and uncle it was good we went on their boat had a little party and then we went to six Flags. For the whole Christmas break and for new years i came back to San Marcos to visit my brother and his wife, to have a party and pop fire works. Threw out the break it was pretty fun and good.

January 6

What is the most trouble you have ever given your parents? What is the most enjoyment you have ever given them?

The most trouble I have ever gave to my parents is that I, had went to a dinner party at Pluckers, with my friends but I had told them that after the dinner that I was gonna have one of my friends take me home but instead I went to san Antonio to the boardwalk and I didn't tell my parents till the caught me sneaking inside at 1 in the morning. there was this one day that we had went out of town to Dallas for vacation and I had something planed for them when we had gotten there bc I knew how much they work to give me the life I have right now and so I surprise them with a trip to the mountains up north and they were so excited.

January 9

Writing help you express your feelings?

Writing does make me express my feelings, because when I cant talk to anyone and I need to let something out. I go to writing, it helps feel good and not be mad or upset on what is happing or what I am feeling so I do express my feelings in writing. I have gotten a lot out on writing that has made me feel good in life and not be made of what people have done or what I have done. I always look at writing.

January 11

What dream can you conceive? Can you believe it? Can you achieve it?

You can conceive any dreams you want its your own life and you do what you want. Yes you can as long as you believe in yourself than you can believe in your dreams just got to work hard for it. If you work hard and move forward for it then anyone can achieve there dreams just gonna take time for it to happen but it soon will.

January 13

We have a three day weekend, what are your plans?

My three day weekend is gonna be good. I'm gonna sleep and party with my friends and family in san Antonio on Saturday and then Sunday got to church and have a birthday dinner for my grandma and on Monday go and hang out with only my friends and have another big dinner for another birthday.

January 18

How do you decide if you like someone? How do you show interest in them?

When I like someone I know by talking to them everyday and text them everyday and if they are a good person that's how I decide on if I like them. I show them interest by getting to know them and wanting to talk to them a lot more than other people.

January 20

Have you ever "passed on a kindness"?

yes one day when I was in the store buying food I wasn't paying attention to my food and the man in front of me paid for all my stuff and I didn't know till I look up and he said it was okay because he was doing a good thing, so later that day I was at a groceries store at I paid for two people stuff because they didn't have enough money.

January 25

Who is your biggest fan?

My biggest fan is my family because they are always there for me when I need them. When I'm in stuff there, there cheering me on in what I am doing, always telling me to never give up and I always do my best when there, their for me. So their my biggest fan and I never want that to change.


Created with images by Nick Kenrick.. - "Sunrise in Spain"

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