The French Times By Raul sandu

The French Revolution was a great concept, but it had a terrible outcome. The entire revolution got the French people nowhere new and ended up ruining their country even further through executions and xenophobia.

The execution of King Louis XVIII

The new leader of the French Revolution was Maximilian Robespierre. He was unwelcome towards other foreigners and anyone who was suspicious to his eyes was executed. He was the leader in one of the most bloody times while having executions here and there.

Soldier hold the fallen King's head over the audience

The new leader of the French Revolution after all of the leaders fell was Napoleon Boneparte. Despite bringing order to the French people, he didn't care only about the people. The only thing Napoleon was obsessed about was power and spreading his empire all over the world.

Emperor Napoleon on a horse

Despite his wise tactics and powerful leadership, he was defeated and his empire was reduced down to a normal size. He was left on an island to rot and he never made it back to civilization. The French Empire was later fixed and was brought into a democratic system. Since the French Revolution, France was acheiving its goal of no corruption, but the French Revolution was a bloodthirsty time that didn't help advance to democracy.

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