James Naismith By: joellene and mya



Who are you? Where and when were you born.

  • He was born in Canada on November 6 1861

Are there any interesting facts about yourself?

  • I was a teacher at YMCA in Springfield Massachusetts
  • I passed away on November 28 1939
  • I published 13 new rules of the game.
  • The basketball was suppose to be the Naismith ball but we decided it to be the basketball.

What else have you invented? What skills do you have

  • I also invented the football helmet.
  • I got 4 awards for bakerball.
  • I have skills for a lot of sports but I did not like them.

Why are you a great inventor of the industrial revolution.

  • I am a great inventor because with basketball we would not have basketball today.

What did you invent. What is it used for.

  • He invented it so that his students would have something to play.
  • He got the idea by throwing a soccer ball into a peach basket.
  • Basketball was the first game to be played in the oylimpics.

What does your invention have over previous technology?

  • It's a game to play and not to sit on the couch all day.

What do you already know about your inventor.

  • He created the basketball
  • He was a teacher

What do you wonder about your invention?

  • Why is it circle
  • Why did they make it with lether
  • Why is it orange

What do you already know about your invention

  • It was made with lether
  • It had lether la e around it

Where are you going to look for information

  • Websites about him and the invention

What search terms will you use to find information on the internet

  • Why he made it
  • When he made it
  • How he made it

Who will benefit from your invention? How does it make it easier.

  • People cause it's a sport to play in the winter
  • It's easier to dribble
  • Easy to carry

What is your company's name?

  • James basketball store

What is you company's logo?slogan?

  • Basketball does not build character it revils someone.

Where can people purchase your invention? Where is it located?

  • California

How much does the product cost

  • When it was first invented it was 1.00. Today it cost between 15.00-60.00.

Two happy costumes

  • Costume #1 I would not be on the basketball team if you did not invent the basketball.
  • I would never know how to play if you did not make the baketball.
Harry Larry
John prince

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