There have been too many cases of police officers abusing their authority in recent years

Police body cameras will be able to record every situation and so good police officers will feel protected knowing the law will justify their actions. On the other hand, police officers with racial bias will be less likely to pull the trigger because their actions are being recorded, and the law will punish them if they unjustifiably shot a civilian.
The Michael Brown incident of August 9th, 2014 would have had a drastically different outcome had the officer been wearing a body camera. Clear evidence would have been recorded and the Judge ruling the case would have been able to make a clear decision on if the shooting was justified.
If police body cameras are not implemented, it will cause hatred and division between the police and the people they serve; which will be dangerous for everyone.
Once this is implemented, and police are held accountable for their actions, the trust between members of the community and Police officers will begin to build and grow even stronger.


Created with images by David Hilowitz - "NYC Police Officer" • Fibonacci Blue - "Rally against police brutality" • Fibonacci Blue - "Black Lives Matter march down I-35" • Fibonacci Blue - "Justice for Terrance Franklin rally" • Fibonacci Blue - "Minneapolis rally in response to the George Zimmerman verdict" • Utility_Inc - "bodyworn body camera police body camera" • jbouie - "we mourn michael brown" • pkmk - "vyras šiek tiek nepataikė į perėją" • longhairbroad - "Could use a little more of this these days..."

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