Technology Team Moving forward in 2017

View challenges as opportunities.

Think realistically about our time and effort

Have clear goals with a reasonable approach to achieve it

Be enthusiastic about each person's contributions. Remember how good it felt when a teacher recognized your contribution? You glowed all day and nearly flew home. It costs nothing to tell people how they're doing. Recognizing what they're doing well, and also giving ideas on how they can work even better, goes a long way. Reward actions not traits.
Focus on the strengths of each other. We will have a happier team because people are doing what they're good at and contributing at their highest level. Emphasize growth over speed.
While it might be relatively simple to collect the components to create a gigabit network, getting it to work at the maximum speed is more complex. The factors that can cause network slowdowns are numerous. Cultivate a sense of purpose.
Give people every reason to laugh out loud and let the sound of laughter inspire us to be the best we can be.


Created with images by USAG-Humphreys - "HAS program shows parents school technology improvements" • Inha Leex Hale - "an exercise in ideas on post it notes" • Jessie Pearl - "pat on the back" • Oliver Liegmann - "Strong? Not really!" • cambodia4kidsorg - "Network Effectiveness Workshop and Discussions" • Alexas_Fotos - "pokemon pokemon go play"

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