
Be smart, be healthy, be Europe! ERasmus Plus Project 2017-2019

Four Erasmus Plus schools worked on the theme of health under different aspects. The logo graphically takes up the aspects of hygiene, nutrition, exercise or physical education and ecology or personal environment and also represents the flags of all participating countries.

The project work is financed by the EU; this includes travel and other project costs. Schools from France (Corsica), Italy (Sicily) and Lithuania and Germany are visiting each other to jointly explore the topic from different perspectives. Details of the results we worked on, you will find by clicking below. But first you can see the schools‘ presentation from the first meetings. In the project period over two years there have been mobility meetings at all participating schools.

Health in school

The theme of our project grew from the basic idea to establish school as a place where health is supported and promoted. A healthy environment facilitates learning, promotes academic performance and social togetherness.

All partner schools carried out a demand analysis which resulted in four thematic focuses that show a need for improvement at all schools and consequently all promote healthy school life. These four aspects include healthy diet at school, personal environment, hygiene and general conduct as well as physical activity.

Improvement of all health aspects

It was our overall aim to create a long-lasting effect of improvement in the four aspects mentioned above and therefore create a more efficient educational system and higher academic performance. The positive effects will be transferred to both teaching staff and parents. The work done at school helps to internalize health awareness which will be carried into private surroundings.

During our project, each of the four main aspects was dealt with in detail in one of the four learning/teaching/training activities. The themes were distributed according to the strengths of each school, measured by a demand analysis done beforehand. The actual state of each school was identified with the help of a survey that also presents the school's special strengths.

General effects on participating schools

Approximately 120 teachers and students will take part in the learning/teaching/training activities. This number results from all participating students and teachers of all four partner schools. The general effect of the project indirectly affeced the whole school community of all schools as well as parents and external partners like youth centres. The profiles of each member school are connected to the four main focuses.

The overall aim of the project was to improve the actual state of each school after each learning/teaching/training activity by applying the concepts that have already proven as valuable. The learning/teaching/training activities serve as a means of introducing school concepts and exchanging further ideas. Concepts will be applied after each meeting and will be evaluated afterwards. Accordingly, each school will profit from the strengths and experience of their partner schools.

We expect an improvement of each school in all four core areas by the time the project will have ended. This means that for example in the fields of physical activity and healthy diet, each school offered active breaks and field trips and all schools paid special attention to serving regional, high-quality food in their cafeterias and support a healthy diet during school time. A cleaner and more hygienic school environment was another aim of our work.

Promote the European Idea

In addition to the improvement of those four core areas, which contribute to a healthy school environment, the ability of our students to communicate in English was another aspect that will be improved by our transnational project. Last but not least we promoted the idea of a united Europe, to build friendship and make friends, overcome prejudices and broaden the mind of our students.

Participating Schools

Corsica: Lycee Agricole Borgo

Corsica is an Island in the Mediterranean, and our school is situated between mountains and sea.

Lithuania: Eitminskiu Gimnazija

The school in Lithuania is situated in the small village Eitminiskiu north of the Latvian capital Vilnius.

Sicily: Instituto d'Istruzione Franceso Redi
Germany: Bertha-von-Suttner-Gesamtschule

The Bertha-von-Suttner-Gesamtschule is situated in Germany in a small town named Dormagen. It's right between Cologne and the county's capital Düsseldorf.

Results of our project in detail:


Students' results

Teachers' results

Who was Erasmus?

Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus (28 October 1466 – 12 July 1536), known as Erasmus or Erasmus of Rotterdam, was a Dutch Christian humanist who was the greatest scholar of the northern Renaissance. Originally trained as a Catholic priest, Erasmus was an important figure in classical scholarship who wrote in a pure Latin style. Among humanists he enjoyed the sobriquet "Prince of the Humanists", and has been called "the crowning glory of the Christian humanists".

More Information on Wikipedia.

Erasmus+ Programme

More Information about the European Erasmus Plus Program in general

About the Logo

The Erasmus Plus logo was created by the German teacher Marc Albrecht-Hermanns. On the one hand it takes up the colours of the individual countries Italy, Germany, Lithuania and France and brings them into a close connection. At the same time it also points to the central fields of work of the health project: environment, exercise, healthy nutrition and hygiene.

Certainly the Erasmus Plus Exchange didn't mean that we worked all day. Beside the program related activities there war also some sight seeing.

This project was financed with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Any remarks? Write to Erasmus-Bvs@gmx.de


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