The Era of Good Feelings The Result of a Revolution

The Era of Good Feelings was time that came directly after the American Revolution was over. It took place in the Early to Mid 1800's, Many people from other countries like France moved to America to be a part of this growing culture, and to make themselves a new life in America. Some people recorded their time in the New Nation.

February 18--,

I have made it to America, now it is finally time for to observe the culture and all that it is worth. I have noticed the people's keen sense of individualism in the larger communities, most having put up flags to show their pride for being an American. Then when asked, most of the people say that they are an American, it really shows that they are proud of their country, it shows the unity that has been built since the Revolution.


The people of America whether they are of higher status and wealth, or a frontier-man, there always seems to be someone to represent them politically. From the first president George Washington, a general during the French and Indian war, and leader of the American Revolution. To Andrew Jackson, war hero from the War of 1812, he led his men into New Orleans, and now he leads the people into the future of America. Political parties have sprung up, from federalist, anti-federalist, to Democratic, and the Whigs, there seems to be a party for every man in America. There are also other forms of government and politics that has been observe, like the Supreme court which helped form Capitalism in America, an economic system based on businesses. Henry Clay, another important figure attempted to unify the country once and for all, so he ran for president, but lost when the election came to an end.


From professional to folk, art in America has been shaped for the culture, mainly consisting of portraits whether it be Political Figures, or Frontier-men. Some artists painted scenic views, and birds, mainly Thomas Cole, and John James Audubon. John James Audubon's art (Shown above), depicts various species of birds that are native to America, in American settings. Thomas Cole also painted American settings, but without the birds in the picture, founder of the Hudson RIver School which mainly painted pictures of the Hudson River, as told in the name of the school, following the style of Thomas Cole, of course. Most of the common people who made art, made what was called folk art. This was usually pictures of political figures on items like buckets, boxes, and of course campuses. No matter where you go in America, from the Atlantic to the frontier, you see art all over.

Another painting from John James Audubon, this one depicts a Snowy Owl sitting on a branch of a tree.

This painting is from Thomas Cane, and the one below is too, both depict the frontier in the west.


Most writers that I have observed depicted their subjects in American settings, including one, Washington Irving, who depicts German folklore in American settings. Books like "Rip van Winkle" and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" have become some of the most iconic books from Irving. Other writers, like James Fenimore Cooper, make novels, like "The Last of the Mohicans" and "The Pioneers". Both about the frontier in the West. Though some write novels about the frontier, some write autobiographies about them on the frontier, like Davy Crockett. He is a real life frontier-man who wrote about his journey on his way in the west. Whether it be hunting, or walking for miles on end. Those who did not write lore, novels, or biographies, wrote poetry, more significantly, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, who was a british poet who wrote poems that would later be turned into songs by the people and used as music for patriots.


The Music that has been adopted by the American People, sounds of a mix of British Music, and American patriotism or folklore. Most of the music that is listened to and played in most of the frontier, and the Southern States, is called 'Folk'. This type of music was full of folklore and stories of the musician's lives, while in the Northern States, most listen to classical music, similar to Beethoven. There seems to be a more patriotic genre that is listened to throughout the country. It unifies the nation with the sound of patriotism, oddly enough most are taken directly from British Songs, I have noticed. If the country cannot be unified politically it will be united with music, more specifically, the sound of freedom. The sound of the United States of America, a land where anyone can make their art, their sound, their own words, to represent themselves.


The American Revolution has led the way for the people to make their own literature, art, music, and politics. The people who make these things possible make them unique. The very fact that the American People take pride in their culture, and their country. This tells a lot about the Country on its own, it shows that they are different from the rest of the world. The American culture has endured a lot, and it has carved its own path for the rest of the world to follow if they want to be successful just as the Country is right now. America is a land of freedom, and prosperity, you can be anything in America. It is a land of new lives, in an era of good feelings.

Work Cited

Bower, Bert, and Jim Lobdell. History Alive! Palo Alto, CA: Teachers' Curriculum Institute, 2005. Print.

"The White House Residence History." Residence - White House Museum. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2017.

Http:// N.p., n.d. Web.

"Frankenstein By Mary Shelley." Pinterest. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2017.

Kenrick, John. "The British Music Hall." The British Music Hall. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Feb. 2017.

Holland, Bernard. "Concertgoers, Please Clap, Talk or Shout at Any Time." The New York Times. The New York Times, 07 Jan. 2008. Web. 14 Feb. 2017.

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Dillon Smith


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