Social studies The rr c rrr c rfqIn and the han dynasties

Censor: an official who watches others for correct behavior

Currency: something such as crftttrrrtttrrvvttrvttoins or paper money, that is used as medium of exchange
Unify: is to make into a single unit.
Civil service: the administrative service of a government
Tenant farmer: a farmer who works land owned by someone else and pays rent in cash or a share of the crop.
Generation: a group of individuals born and living at the same time.
Waterwheel: a wheel made to turn by the water flowing against it.

Acupuncture: originally a Chinese practice of inserting fine needles through the skin at a specific points to treat disease or relieve pain.

Link: a connecting element or factor.

Network: a connected group or system


Created with images by Bernt Rostad - "The Terracotta army" • PublicDomainPictures - "business cash coin" • Chiara Marra - "Piazza del Plebiscito - Church of S.Francesco di Paola" • Ron Cogswell - "Union Civil War Monument -- St. Paul (MN) July 2014" • Kheel Center, Cornell University Library - "Photographer Louise Boyle makes a photo of a grower next to his field. Forrest City, Arkansas, August 1982" • Falkenpost - "windräder energy wind power" • - "Waterwheel in Elim - its been working since 1824"

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