Digital Photography Portfolio By: Tiffany Toth

I decided to take this class because I wanted to learn more about how to use my camera and the various projects that I could do with camera. I hoped to learn how to use my camera and see how it works, and the various projects I can do with my camera.

Composition is where you combine one background photo and two texture photos to merge them together into one photo.

Short depth of field is when your camera is centered on an object and the background is blurred

Long depth of field is when your camera is centered on the background and your subject is blurred out

When I took this photo it looked like Emily was staring off into space, but when I optimized the photo, now she looks like she is looking forward instead of staring off into the distance because I centered the photo and used the rule of thirds to center Emily as the subject.

The project that taught me the most was the Monarchs project because I learned how to color with light and how to put a mask on top of a layer, which I thought was so cool . The most eye opening part for me was we were all done with putting our Monarch project together, we sold our pints to our family and friends. Also, we sold our prints on Alumnae Night of the play Wizard of Oz, I thought was really special to display our work.

The project I could've done better on would be the product shot project. I felt like I could've done better on taking different product photos to fit the theme or background I was looking for. Also, I felt like the backgrounds that I chose were not as good enough as I wanted them to be, so I felt like I should've changed the backgrounds to fit the products that I wanted to shoot.

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