What your Home says about you. because your front door tells no lies.

It might sound a little odd, or even a little crazy, but our home can say a lot about who we are. Dr Linda Papadopoulos is a well known psychologist and researched scientist who has a lot to say about our homes and their loud voices.

It's all about looking beyond the objects, which can be hard when you have the latest Fenton and Fenton love rug sitting ever so nicely on-top of your newly sparkling, polished concrete floors. That little scene you've set in your home shows your decisions about comfort, utility, what you value and want to express about yourself.

Love Rug by Fenton + Fenton

Take yourself back to your teenage years for a moment and think of how knowingly purposeful you were about everything you stuck on your bedroom wall, or didn't stick. Dr Papadopoulos believes The message is clear: “This is my space, this is who I am and I have (or at least am trying to develop) a healthy sense of entitlement to be me.”

“The way we choose prints and paintings is interesting. Sometimes it’s about just having something to hang on an otherwise empty wall but other times we’re drawn to them subconsciously because their colour or form elicits a positive memory or emotion.” - On blogger, Emma Vanstone’s wall art

Psychologists call the subconscious way in which we develop our living spaces ‘behavioural residue’, reflecting our behaviours, values and choices over time. So next time your out looking for the perfect item to place in your home - channel into your conscious and try to figure out why. Or don't and just enjoy the moment of purchasing something you love ! Either way - there is a reason behind it.

What does your home say about you ? You can read more about what Dr Papadolpoulos says about the home and it's voices here.

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