Syke Instagram:huizar68

What's going on guys this is just going to fill you in on information about me!

I am a 15 year old male going through problems like any other teenager but my problems are more serious, When I was 5 i was diagnosed with Gullians Barre but the thing about that was I was the first kid in the U.S to actually get it so the hospital I went to didn't know how to treat it, what it does is it shuts down your nervous system and makes some body parts go numb, I had to relearn everything that my parents had taught me because of this for example: how to talk, how to walk, how to operate my body parts and more.

And this is my girlfriend that support's me all of the way and tells me everything is going to be okay when I need her and she is the one that will always be there for me when I need her!
Created By
Antonio Huizar

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