My Trip To The Theatre By: Akshar Patel

I Accidentally Arrived At The Wrong Theatre But Because I Was Early I Was Able To Make It In Time For The Show!

THE SPATIAL EXPERIENCE: The first feeling I had gotten from the theatre is surprise that I was in the wrong place. I had ridden the bus all the way to the Phillips Center where I had checked in my backpack and almost walked into the wrong show. Fortunately, I came early and was able to make it to the Union in time for the show to start. I was very intrigued in how refined the atmosphere felt as I strolled into the Theatre and was happy to be able to go in since I had always wondered what it was like in there. As I was greeted and identified at the entryway I remember feeling a rush of cool air when I was being seated. The room was cold to the touch and really made me jealous of all the overcoats the actors had on but it helped to set the scene of the cold city they were going for. Being in the second row also aided in the depth of our experience by allowing us to become encircled by the play itself when the actors calmly graced through the audience. Then the reoccurring dimming of the lights really had me anxious to see what scene was going to pop up next. Another thing that made the experience great was how the actors took full use of the vast stage and auditorium by constantly pooping up from all corners and surprising us with every chance. This really showcased the role of place in the Good Life by how it exemplifies the fact that the right timing and the right circumstances are crucial in the execution of the path to one's goal, similar to how the right timing and props are used to help actors express their message through the theatre.

Waiting To Get My Backpack Checked In!

THE SOCIAL EXPERIENCE: The experience for sure was a memorable one. First thing that happened was I went to the wrong theatre by accident and then had to rush for the union with a crowd of other students who mistakingly did the same. After a rushed bus ride back to the union, where I originally was, I finally made it to the correct theatre in time. As I walked into the theatre I noticed that there was a good amount of people coming to watch it and was excited that the turnout would reflect on how well the play goes. On top of that i ran into my friends in line and it made the experience ten times better by having people who I'm comfortable with and fine with my commentary during the play. I feel that having shared experiences is crucial to achieving the Good Life by how others really make the memories sweeter.

THE CULTURAL & INTELLECTUAL EXPERIENCE: I personally had little background knowledge of the setting for the performance or about anything that pertained to the show at all before attending. Although once it started I really felt embraced by the atmosphere and it really helped me feel as though I was in a sweatshop and an opera house. The performance really made me think more about the conditions of that time and made me feel grateful that i was not born during then because of the chance that I would die in a crawlspace under a bunch of sewing machines covered in red dye. It made me feel as though people in todays culture are taking for granted how working conditions are today.

Bus Ride Home From The Theatre.

THE EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE: The amount of material that this play leaves for katharsis is plentiful in many aspects. It really opens up on the touchy subjects of molestation, sexuality, victim views, poverty, vanity, and even drug use. The play really gave me a chance to reexamine these things in a new environment that I was not familiar with that helped open up new arguments for them to me. It really opens up one's eyes to these topics that regularly get ignored or overlooked because of things like social norms or ethics.

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