
蜃楼 Shen lou - jeremy chen 2019 fall

What I get


A real-time landscape view generator with the sketch painted by user’s hand movement as the input.


Machine learning models: Posenet/Spade-coco

JavaScript Library: p5.js/ml5.js/tone.js

Other sources: Runway


Posenet collects the user’s wrists real-time position data

Send the data to

P5.js where it’s translated to the stroke

Send the picture to

Spade-coco where it’s transformed to landscape view

Send the result back to



The data from Posenet is not stable.

In-sketch function

The user can pick 5 colors of the stroke which stand for: Cloud/Grass/Mountain/Sea/Tree with left hand staying on the palette at left

Only when the left hand is on the palette the right hand can paint

By choosing different colors, the user can change the BGM

By moving the right hand, the user can change the pitch/volume

By crossing two wrists the user can refresh and download the sketch


As its name, I want to offer a fake experience of making a mirage out of window.

The purpose is to have a look of what people will do with the project

To add guideline in sketch

To make the music downloadable

Created By
Jeremy Chen