Chári "Walk with grace"

Chári ( Sh ey ree)- Chari means "grace" in Greek

Come join me in Chári; where you can walk with grace. It's a great place for families because we are a society that focuses on what used to be "the American dream" , but of course it's now "the Chári dream". Our society is based on no discrimination, so everyone is welcome. We strive for the best of all our citizens, and we expect nothing but the best. We enforce strict rules, only for your safety. By using a Chinese symbol and a Greek name for what is going to be the face of our society shows people that it's for everyone by using different ethnicity's.

These photos represent "the Chári dream". The safety from your enforcement officers, and money or any want you got it, along with a beautiful house and family.
An Oak Tree is strong and resilient, able to bounce back when anything bothers it. It is big and can weather any storm. Animals use it for protect and with a strong base (trunk) it can provide it. By choosing this Oak Tree it shows you how our society will be and stay forever.
Created By
Abigail Lancaster


Created with images by Alexas_Fotos - "shopping kermit money" • Graciolli Dotcom - "Police"

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