Theresa's Batting Cages

Theresa's Batting Cages is looking to buy a new pitching machine. This will allow new technology into the cages. It will is also our team become better batters.

This is the new change up super softball pitching machine. The speed of this jug machine is 44 to 70 mph. It is hand fed. This jug machine is $2,195.00. This has a medium rating for durability. No instillation for this item.

This is the iron mike mp6 hopper fed pitching machine. The speed for this machines speed is 25 to 85 mph. It is not hand fed it. This jug machine cost $3,095.00. It has very high rating for durability. Very easy to instal.

At my batting cages there was a problem with which jug machine we needed and wanted. we were looking for the one that had good speed that the balls come out at. we were also looking for which one needed someone to fed the balls of the machine feds it. the cost was another factor in this purchace. we also wanted one with the best durability. Also, how to instal it.

I recommend the iron mike mp6 hopper fed machine because you don't have to hand fed it. it has good reviews on the durability. Its not to had to instal.


Created with images by Photographing Travis - "Batting Cage" • davco9200 - "Batting Cages"

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