Harn Museum By: Jordan Johnson

This painting made by William Morris Hunt I found at the Harn Museum is a perfect example of a painting not given justice in a picture. The painting called "Florida Landscape" painted in 1875 on oil canvas has a lot of texture to it. As you cannot see in the oil canvas, there is a lot of detail and mixtures of colors. If you stop by the Harn Museum, this is a must in order to really appreciate this work of art. I appreciate hot detailed the artist got in the painting. He really depicted the northeast Florida land in just one picture.
The wing that I was most appealed by was the Asian Wing. I was the most in depth I thought compared to the other ones. It had a wide room in the middle and even had a back door that you could go outside. I thought that it was awesome that the they were able to expand the exhibit to not only inside but outside. I thought that the space was huge and you were able to really absorb the art and the feeling of being in the exhibit. I also do not know as much about Asian art, so learning about it was great.
One of the values that is at the top of my list is "hard work" I believe that someone if they work hard enough will be able to do anything that they set there mind to. As you can see in the photo there are multiple people working really hard to accomplish one goal. This painting, painted in the 1920's really depicts that Americans had to work hard during that time. This is true because of the Great recession, people had to work twice has hard for less at that time. This showed that people can work hard, and achieve what they want. This painting really reinstates my belief in hard work.
This oil canvas painting, made in 1912 really depicts the "Good Life" for me. Painted by the American painter Childe Hassam, shows how beautiful life is. I think this one really goes for the theme of seeking the Good life. This is because the man is getting out the water to explore the land that he has found. People can find the good life in many places, and for hime he can look for it in many places. I think that it is important for everyone to look for the good life, and accept that it may take time.

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