Talli Van Wey Looking into the future...

Who do I want to represent?

I want my future school to share the same interests, beliefs, and goals as I do. I want my school to push me and help me achieve my goals while preparing me for life after college

What college are you interested in?

I am interested in the University of Portland

What area of study are you interested in?

I am interested in the University of Portland's nursing program

Where is the college located at?

Portland, Oregon

When do you need to finish and turn in the applications by?

November 15, 2017

Why does this college interest you?

Because I have always loved Portland, I love the friendliness of the community, the food trucks, everything. Also, I am focused on finding a school in Oregon and one that isn't very far from home. Due to my family and the high expense of out of state fees.

How does one get into the University of Portland?

You must fill out an application as well as send in either your SAT or ACT scores, your high school GPA, and recommendations.


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