My Everything no, seriously, i don't know who i'd be without art

This is a colored pencil drawing of Tyler, the Creator! He's so cool and unique, I take a lot of inspiration from him. He's basically living my dream job of doing any project he wants and making it his own.
Acrylic on canvas board. I worked on this while taking month long classes at SCAD! I think this is the first art piece I made that I could wholeheartedly say I'm proud of!
Colored pencil on paper. I made this after being inspired by Mark Dargas. Hes hes a hyper realistic oil painter who captures the wet look of honey and the texture of skin sooo perfectly. I aspire to be on his level of detail eventually.
Colored pencil on paper. My "style" or the thing I draw most are various different of these little alien face things. I'm not really sure how I came up with them, I honestly just don't like drawing hair or eyebrows.
Pen and mechanical pencil on paper. I made this when I realized I may not see many of my friends ever again. I called them all and asked if they could send me selfies for an art project and made this so years in the future I can look back at my old sketchbooks and laugh at how ugly and inaccurate I drew them, hahahahaha. I love this even though I could have put more effort into it, I'll probably still recognize them.
Charcoal on mid-tone paper. I literally spent 10 straight hours on the heel in the middle. This project killed me, and then my teacher at SCAD said she wasn't taking it for a grade. If you know what charcoal is, its kind of difficult to get precise detail since its very prone to smudging and moving around, so I'm very pleased with the way the heel came out.

These are some of the pieces I submitted for my college portfolio, but I probably have hundreds, if not thousands, of drawings laying around my house. If I'm not eating, sleeping, doing school, or with friends, I'm 100% probably doodling my life away and listening to music. Hopefully it pays off!

Created By
mira roy



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