Indus River Valley YOU'RE jusT one row away from paradise

Welcome to the Indus River Valley. Here you will find the home of your dreams.

The Indus River Valley is a beautiful river that is a perfect resource of so many things. In fact it is so great it is even compared to the Nile River. Yeah, I just said the Nile River. Just Southwest of the Hindu Kush mountain range this long river will blow your mind away. You might as well pack your bags right now unless you're hard to convince. In that case here are a few reasons to love the Indus River Valley.

This River Valley contains all different land forms. Some parts are lush and flat which are great for playing your favorite games and farming. Some parts are rocky and rough which are fun to explore and do much more.

The river gives you a great view along with routes for transportation. All you need is a boat and you can go on an easy vacation or errand. We know your heart is begging for this because without the river you would not be able to travel as easy. The Indus River has only the best trading ever. With surrounding communities that are guaranteed to take your unstable items and give you something you want. This can be a great job and it will help you trade in trash for treasure. Speaking of jobs, if you move here (which you are) you are going to need one. There are several different options such as a farmer, scribe, priest, traders and much more. Some of these jobs require years of school. Not interested in that? Some jobs you can start now. These jobs will help you make a living and feed your family.

Wait, that's not all. When you move to the Indus River Valley you will have guaranteed fertile land to farm. We promise wet soil because of the river. This river also provides silt that acts as a fertilizer and is just amazing to the crops. If you want to be a farmer you are in luck. If not at least you count on your food being organic. The river is so clean that you can drink right out of it. This is imporatant because you need clean water to survive. This crystal clear water can also help wash clothes and yourself.

  • Indus River Valley, Always one step ahead of the Nile.
  • "Its better than where I live"- Decan Plateau Daily
  • NO CONNECTION error 503 high blizzard can not reach connection- Himalayan mountain range
  • "It's like luxury here, except for the part that is not luxury. Besides that it's amazing." -Anonymous Citizen

As you can see the right choice is the Indus River Valley. When moving come here and you will get to see what paradise is truly like!

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All rights reserved to Gretchen Knust except for the pictures. The picture of me is created by Logan Penny. Thanks Logan.


Created with images by സഞ്ജു | Sanju - "NaTureScapes..." • shahbasharat - "Union of two rivers, Ladakh Kashmir" • reverses - "Ladakh Views" • reverses - "Ladakh Views" • sarangib - "brahminy kite haliastur indus red-backed"

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