"Antiretroviral therapy in resource-poor settings: scaling up inequalities?"

"Since 1996, the increasingly widespread use of potent antiretroviral therapy (ART), a combination of at least three drugs from different classes, has transformed a fatal infection into a chronic disease that is manageable in most patients."

Summary style lead

My Own

If diagnosed with a deadly disease would you, instead of running from the inevitable, accept it as being just chronic? In recent years ART has introduced this irrefutable option.

Creative style lead

Who: This editorial has been written by Matthias Egger

What: in signifigitly poorer countries plagued with countless desieses ART is being reserved for the few elites of the country. ART is being refused to citizens by governments iluding it to be un-financially fit for the benefit. Governments seem to only be supporting it in higher class areas.

Where: These trend seem to pop up almost exclusively in Asia, Africa jand Latin America, where ninety percent of AIDS/HIV cases exist.

When: In modern times

Why: This seems to appear mostly by class discrimination torwords lower socioeconomic classes. Even humanitarian aid insists on focusing in other areas due to government word. Finally the 'system' appears to be against getting treatment. "the guidelines postulate that eligible patients must produce written evidence of a positive HIV-test result, which, according to Muula, cannot generally be obtained from a public counselling and testing site but is easily purchased from a private laboratory"

How: at this time no operant approach seems to be best, donating torwords ART focusing on HIV seems affective, but a IEDEA is pushing for funding to set up regional camps to help citizens bypass the system.

Concluding statement

"In the years to come, IEDEA and future complementary initiatives may provide a much needed platform for global health services research and represent a timely attempt to assess in a rigorous fashion the real-world impact of ART, including its impact on inequalities in health."

Hopefully in the coming years organizations like IEDEA will show an affective means to end one of the largest examples of inaqualities in health, lack of ART treatment in primeraly third world countries

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