Jessica Liu 2nd period Fall Final project


From a distance I see,

I see implied lines.

Being able to use the power of art

to distinguish differences in the world today.

From nature, buildings, and numbers

I see a different perspective in my surroundings today


What are lines?

Lines are a fragment of our imagination.

For they do not exist...

But is a creation of man kind.


All around, this is what you see

They stand in their unique form

With a blind eye you can recognize any of these

We're surrounded

There's no way escaping shapes

It's two dimensional figure is everywhere

From the bright moving clouds in the sky

To the pitch black dark of the night


We're all born with form

Interchangeably in everyday language

With its three dimensions

It speaks a language of its own

It talks in length, width, and depth

It's free form

Open to expression and creativity



In the air

In the world

In outer space

In the galaxy

In the universe

Is space!

Space fills in the emptiness


Value is the element that describes the darkness or lightness of a color

Using the amount of light a color reflects to show this element of art


Oh so bright and vibrant

Blinded by its wonder

Used in many ways to portray a meaning

A bright ray of sunshine across the rainbow

It's eye catching color mesmerize our brains


Texture is how things feel,

How things may feel with a look of a glance

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