8th Grade English mrs. Singleton

Each class is worth one credit and is a year-long course. English exposes students to some of the significant works and ideas of American, British, Latin American and other writers. Students will read a variety of genres from novels to poetry, short fiction to non-fiction informational text. In addition, students will compose a variety of texts, including (but not limited to) analytical and argumentative essays, narratives and poetry, presentations and projects. In these classes, we will work together to develop students' skills in all areas of English Language and overall communication skills so they may become well rounded in literacy.

In order to be successful in this course, students are expected to be active participants. It is my goal to provide a positive and engaging classroom where all students have the opportunity to learn, succeed, and share their thoughts and opinions verbally without fear of embarrassment or ridicule.

1. Be Respectful.

2. Be Responsible.

3. Be Appropriate.

4. Be Involved.

5. Be Honest.

Classroom Management In order for each student to feel safe and comfortable in my classroom, a positive and respectful attitude is expected of all students, this includes respecting others’ thoughts, work, feelings, and individuality. If a student does not demonstrate positive behavior, I will visit with him/her and we will try to resolve the issue together. If this proves unsuccessful, students will call their parent at home or work and explain their behavior. The third offense will be a disciplinary report to the office. Any negative behavior that continues will result in a conference with the student, parent(s)/guardian(s), the teacher, and the principal.


Treat everyone with proper consideration, regardless of whether he/she is in the classroom at the time. Use respectful language, in writing as well as in discussions. Show respect for your environment by keeping the classrooms clean and neat.

Arrive at class on time and with all necessary materials. Complete assignments on time, ask questions when necessary, and stay aware of deadlines. Be prepared for the start of class each day. Do what is right, regardless of what everyone else in class is doing.

Conduct yourself as a mature, well-mannered young adult. Think before speaking, and make sure all contributions to the class dialogue are meaningful and pertinent. Take care of personal business when the time is appropriate. Use your privileges wisely.

Participate to the fullest extent that you can. Stay awake. Take part in discussions. Ask questions. Answer questions. Stay on task. Take notes. Keep your head up. Do your homework. Use class time efficiently. Listen. Watch. Participate.

Do your own work. Do not cheat, and do not plagiarize. Do not attempt to sneak around the rules. Avoid inventing excuses to cover up for your mistakes. Accept consequences for your mistakes, and learn from them.

Homework assignments that are turned in late will receive feedback as time permits. Students who wish to benefit fully from teacher feedback on their learning should make consistent efforts to turn in homework on time. Because I believe grades should reflect what students have learned, there will be no "extra credit" opportunities.

Grading Policy

Grades will be taken weekly. Graded assignments will include vocabulary quizzes and root tree assignments, Writer's Notebook entries, formal writing assignments, book projects, grammar practices, and any other assignments given during the year, including quizzes and tests. Vocabulary quizzes will be give once per quarter. Words can be found on the website, and we will have fun vocabulary games every other Friday. Every other week, a current events assignment will be given including a summary and correct citation of the source of the article you've read. Once a quarter, I will randomly choose TEN writer's notebook entries to grade for 100 points. Please make sure that you get assignments you've missed from a friend/classmate. First quarter, we will all do Book Fair projects. Rubrics will be distributed at a later date. After that, each class will have their own project per quarter. All projects will be accompanied by a rubric. You will be required to read independently each quarter, and you will be provided 5-10 minutes of class time each day for this. This is the equivalent of TWO or THREE books on your own, not counting the ones we read in class. By college, you will be expected to read almost four times that amount. It is so important that you read for at least 20-30 minutes independently every day. All writing assignments will be graded and returned to you with the expectation that you correct them and return them to me. A new grade can be given after corrections have been made at my discretion, however the best grade you can make after corrections is a 90%. Random practices, bell wringers, etc. will be worth 10-25 pts each. ******Always remember: I do not GIVE grades; you EARN them. Please refer to the student handbook for other guidelines pertaining to the grading policy.

Food & Drink Policy No food or drink is allowed in the classroom, other than water, without permission from the teacher. This includes gum, candy, etc. This privilege can be revoked any time at the teacher's discretion.

Resources & Materials

1. 1 in binder 2. loose paper 3. pens 4. 4 pack of multi-colored highlighters 5. composition notebook 6. 1 package of dividers

Cell Phone Policy

As stated in the student handbook, cell phone use is not permitted during class. Unless you receive explicit permission from me, I should not see or hear your phone between the time you enter the room and the time I dismiss you. This is a no-tolerance policy. Any student found using a phone during class without explicit teacher permission will have his/her phone confiscated and will be referred to the office for discipline.


Created with images by Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) - "Quotes - "Improve the World"" • mrsdkrebs - "2012-225 Freak the Mighty" • congerdesign - "books book pages pitched" • ulleo - "books book stack isolated" • manpreetkaur93 - "book quote about reading books" • Kathleen Tyler Conklin - "Work Less Read More"

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