The Monarch Drop BY: CAndace collier * 2/13/2017 * 5th period

Article title: monarch Butterfly numbers drop's by 27% in mexico.


Date published: FEBRUARY 9, 2017

Recent data shows that the monarch butterfly's population is decreasing due to late winter storms. These storms have killed about 6.2 million butterfly. Monarch's are now migrating to the U.S early.


Eradicating- (verb) the act of destroying something.

Logging- (verb) Cutting/preparing wood for timber.

My Opinion- I believe that the article was helpful because it show that clearly we are taking what we have for granted. The butterfly's are an important part of our ecosystem and this drop points out to us why they are dropping. I hope people read that article and learn how they can keep from making the Monarch butterfly population go extinct.


MARK STEVENSON. "Monarch Butterfly Numbers Drop by 27 Percent in Mexico." - News and Articles on Science and Technology. N.p., 9 Feb. 2017. Web. 21 Feb. 2017.

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