Technology Tidbits Candice VonEye

Looking for a new way to use technology in your classroom. Check in each week for updates and highlights of new programs!


Can be used on the iPad or the desktop computer

Click on the Padlet button below to find step by step instructions about how to create your own Padlet wall for your student to share information and work collaboratively with their classmates.


free ipad app

Watch the video above to see how to use Chatterpix with your students.


can be used on the ipad or desktop computer

Symbaloo is a great way to organize websites for students to access quickly and easily. It's a visual bookmarking tool that your students will love! Sign up using your Google account and start creating webmixes of your own. It's as easy as copying and pasting URL's from the websites you wish to bookmark!


Google Classroom

Instead of re-inventing the wheel, I am sharing a video from Youtube on how to create a google classroom.

Google Forms

Created By
Candice VonEye


Created with images by kaboompics - "laptop office work"

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