KYRGYZSTAN NIGHT SKIES Photos of the 2016 Perseid Meteor Shower, all captured from the Ala Archa National Park near Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan

I spent the night of August 11th 2016 in Kyrgyzstan’s Ala-Archa National Park, located about 25km south of the country’s capital, Bishkek. I took a few photos of the sky, trying to capture shooting stars from the Perseid meteor shower that was forecasted that night. I used a Canon 6D and my beloved Sigma 24mm F/1.4 Art to capture these images. To remotely trigger the camera, I used my iPhone with Canon’s Camera Connect application. Photos were taken with a 10 to 30 second exposure and I found that I had best results with the lens opened at F/2 because it minimized vignetting. Images were edited with Lightroom.

Looking due East, a satellite makes a bright streak over the hills; shooting stars do not have such continuous patterns. The moon makes the light from the right of the photo, dimly lighting the mountains.
Clouds form along the Milky Way
How many shooting stars can you see?

Photographing the skies was so much fun because I got to camp with my family under the stars. My daughter is 3 and this was her first real camping experience, with bonfire and all, and she was as happy as can be.

Looking due North, the lights of Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, shine on the horizon.
The Milky Way, in all its majesty, to the left of the frame.
Created By
Olivier Le Blanc

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