Good Life Performance The Divine: A Play for Sarah Bernhardt

Spatial experience: This is a stage view of the Constans Theatre for visual perspective. Since starting at UF, I have never been inside the theatre. As soon as i walked inside I was immediately impressed at the size and quality of the theatre. I would have never known that such a nice theatre was hidden in the left side of the Reitz Union. When I watched the play, I sat half way up on the left section on the aisle (from the view of this picture). When the lights dimmed and the play started, it really felt like I was immersed in the play, almost like I was inside a movie. The size of the auditorium was on the smaller size, so it really made it feel like I was up close and right next to all the performers.I believe that place can play a big role in the good life; however, it does not determine the overall quality of it. For example, being in a good place can certainly enhance the good life, but being in a bad place doesn't completely ruin the good life. I got this picture from this website:
Social Experience: Attending the performance with everyone there, in a sold out theatre, really added to the experience of the fun of going to a big performance like that. I got ready for the performance in my room and dressed in appropriate attire for the performance.Then I went to the performance by myself, but I ended up finding my friend, Jordan, and sitting with him. Sitting with a friend actually enhanced my experience of the play because we both able to exchange ideas/thoughts about the play with each other. Shared experiences, much like place, play a role in enhancing the good life, but do not determine it. Sharing moments with friends can definitely enhance the good life; however, one can still have good experiences without companionship.
Cultural and Intellectual Experience: I definitely think that this play gives us an inside look at what life was like and the specific issues several people could encounter during the early 1900s. This helped me understand the culture, thoughts, and feelings of the people through specific instances in the play that i would not have experienced otherwise. Some of the issues addressed by the play were child labor, poverty, and oppression by the church. I was familiar with some of the subject matter from my history class last semester, but this play brought the issues to life for me. Most of the subject matter does not really have a relationship to anything in my life at the moment.
Emotional Experience: Watching this play definitely allowed us for an opportunity for catharsis. The play allows us to think about and reflect on the uncomfortable or not easily presentable topics presented during the play. We are better able to reflect, coming clean with our inner self, and find happiness within the confines and security of the theatre.

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