Using Statements Kate Chesterman

Purpose of Questions/ Statements that provide information

Descriptive information

  • When you provide descriptive information you need to be descriptive. You need to present what is known, answer and clarify questions and make sure to collect factual research.
  • When you are giving your students information, you are wanting them to learn what you are telling them. You want your students to be interested and interact and be involved in the classroom.
  • When you give your students descriptive information and keep them engaged in learning, it will be easier and fun to higher there education.

Describing Overt information

  • Overt means something that is done or shown openly or plainly apparent.
  • When you have students that are being overt they are displaying observable and open information.
  • Teachers are able to physically see if there students are struggling with the lesson and can then assist the student.
  • When students show what they are openly it is easier to figure out what they need to help them continue learning.

Describing Covert Information

  • Covert means something is not openly acknowledged or displayed.
  • When students understand the information but are struggling to formulating an answer.
  • As a teacher you can provide hints to help the student draw out their answer.
  • When giving hints it can really help your student click everything together, whereas without the hint they were struggling with the final product of the answer.

Statements that Confirm or Clarify Information


  • Restating in your own words what you think the other person said.
  • When you learn somethings, teachers often say now in your own words tell me what you learned.
  • Paraphrasing can really help with understand. If you can paraphrase what you learned you have a good idea of what was taught.
  • Paraphrasing can be very helpful when trying to learn new things. If you can effectively paraphrase it you know what was taught.


  • You describe what another person has said and try to capture the meaning of the message. It demonstrate that you understand another's feelings.
  • As a teacher sometimes you have to reflect on what your students say and make sure that you understand them and know how you can reply to the questions they have.
  • You have to give your students time to reflect on what you have taught them so they have a good understanding.


  • Consists of one or more statements that restate, in concise form several statements made by the individuals in the conversations.
  • You don't always have to have to always read things word for word. Taking out the important parts and displaying those can be very helpful.
  • When you read a book word for word it tends to become less interesting and hard to focus on.
  • It is good to summarize to keep students engaged and to keep conversations on the topic going.


  • Checking for accuracy. Follow up with a question to ensure agreement and accuracy.
  • It is good to check up on your students to make sure that they are doing things correctly and getting things done.
  • Checking is a good thing for making sure students are understanding. You can ask questions to make sure they are understanding.




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