Peaceful protest Sit Ins

Peaceful protest is also known as nonviolent resistance, Peaceful protest is when you express disapproval through a statement or action without the use of violence. People use Sit Ins as a way of peaceful protest, A sit-in is also known as a sit-down it involves one or more people being in a place or space to protest, often to promote political, social, or economic change. In a Sit In you usually sit in the space until you are arrested or used by force to leave. A Sit In is a great way to get a point across and a great way to protest.

South African miners do a Sit In 2.4KM below the ground

On January 11th started the South African Miner Sit In 2.4KM below the ground level. On Wednesday January 11th 2017 1,700+ miners went down to the mines and didn't come up. They were doing a Sit in and protesting the death of the colleagues in the past few days and weeks. The South African mines are among the most dangerous in the world and the deepest, if anything is to happen the mining company is said to have to stop work and take action to make sure whatever happened doesn't happen again. In the past few days many miners have been killed and the mining company did not shut down and did not take action to make sure everyone was safe. So the South African miners went down of Wednesday morning and never came up, they were sitting and protesting saying they would not work unless proper action was taken. The mining company opposed what they were saying and started saying these workers will be disciplined, and that the company have taken proper action of the deaths in the mine which is not true because they have not. So the workers are still doing a Sit in and have not yet moved out of the mine. On Wednesday January 11th the Sit In was planned before this day and they brought food and more water than usual to prepare for this Sit In, because they have no idea how long they will have to stay down in the mine. The protest is till going on but from the news and online figures it is said that the protest is being successful and that the people who run the mining companies are negotiating with the people.

This is the Woolworths lunch bar in Greensboro North Carolina where the protesting and Sit Ins all started.

In 1960 in the town of Greensboro North Carolina, at Woolworth's lunch counter bar there was a Sit In of black segregation. The problem was there was still segregation going on in the south even after the law of segregation was passed. So around 10 African Americans went into Woolworth's lunch bar and just sat there very peacefully protesting segregation. All the waiters and white men and women in the restaurant started saying mean and harsh phrases and started throwing food at them. The African American protesters did not care though they sat there very peacefully and looked straight ahead. This Sit In sparked something and soon everyone heard and saw this Sit In and it inspired many African Americans to do the same. People started going to restaurants , schools, it spread into colleges and eventually into the region and many places you went you would see African American protesters just Siting down and not leaving to protest segregation. This was the big spark and one of the first steps to completely trying to eliminate segregation or at least most of it. This protest was very successful because it inspired other people to go out and prostest and eventually over 5,000 people were protesting just in the state of North Carolina. This was one small step to getting rid of segregation.

These are many pictures of African American men and women doing Sit Ins at bars, rallies, and the famous picture of Woolworths lunch and bar cafe.
Created By
Peter Crapsey Jr

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