Chanhassen Church C O M M U N I T Y

If someone asked you to describe "church" using only the Bible, what would you say?

Chanhassen Church Plant


We currently meet in a home/coffee shops if you are interested in getting involved email

Chanhassen Church

Meeting in a home forces the size of the gathering to be small, which means that the members can actually get to know everyone in the church, and by the Holy Spirit, these members can become family. But as we all know, family is difficult, but if we really are going to exhibit this Christ-like love that is empowered by the Holy Spirit, we can't shy away from people who are different from us. No, not only do we invite these different types of people into our church gatherings and into our homes, we're inviting them into the body of Christ—a genuine family—with all of the ups and downs that go along with that.


Created with images by m01229 - "MN Landscape Arboretum HDR, Handheld" • Pexels - "architectural brewed coffee cappuccino" • falco - "church window church window"

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