The baby-sitter club Claudia and mean Janine Book Review By.Jessica.mms

The Bad Friendship

What will you feel like if you always fight with friends or family? Claudia in the baby-sitter’s club wanted to stop fighting with her sister Janine, but they always fight for things. So they start to talk about what they want. Then Claudia and Janine were getting along with each other. My favorite part is when Claudia and Janine forgive each other at the end of the book. All of us should be kind with our family and friends because we don’t know what will happen with our friendship. When Claudia and Janine start to talk a little bit of how they feel with each other and what they want to do at the end of the book. The greatest value of this book is description. They describe how the people are mean or mad with each other in the Beginning. It really explain how they yell at each other if they get mad or fight. I feel like I’m in the book when they yell or fight with each other. If you were Claudia and you always fought your sister you should be kind to each other. I recommend the book Claudia and Mean Janine By. Raina Telgemeier to people that like to baby-sit people or kids because it can teach you how to take care of kids or people.

Created By
Jessica Ramirez-Santibanez


Created with images by Micah Sittig - "Baby sitter" • congerdesign - "book book gift by heart"

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