Text As Art Ryan Stockton




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My text is art piece uses the word “skeleton” to display an image of a skeleton lying down on its side. The skeleton is of course made using the letters from the word “skeleton”, and it is lying on its side with a snake coming out of its skull. It has one hand supporting it’s body and one hand on its knee, which is bent. My inspiration for this illustrator creation came from not only my love for skeletons, but also from an image I found on the Internet of a skeleton. It lying on its side in the same position I created my skeleton in, and I found it quite funny which is why I decided to create it lying in that way. Throughout the process of creating this skeleton I ran into a number of problems, for example the struggle of incorporating the “N” from skeleton into the image. The way I dealt with this specific problem was to use the N as a foot as it resembles the bones of a human foot quite well. In my opinion the coolest part of my piece is the skeleton’s skull, as I really like how I was able to create a snake coming out of it’s skull in a unique way. I found this assignment to be great practice to improve my illustrator skills, and this is very important for me as I have set my future in the creative and artistic industry. I intend of course to use the skills I’ve acquired from this assignment in the future, as I ultimately intend to be a graphic designer.

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