The Grind James Montes de Oca

Zach is a student athlete at SOU, he takes his education very seriously and excels in his visual courses.
Zach receiving feedback from one of his favorite professors on his current project. Erik Palmer teaches social media and visual communication.
The locker room is where Zach prepares for one of his many workouts ahead of him.
Zach starting the most crucial part of the workout, the warm-up.
Zach setting up for a standing deadlift to help strengthen his hamstrings.
The pre-lift thought process, "Holy crap, I am about to move some serious weight right now".
Hitting some big weight during a double hip extension, crucial lifting for jumpers.
Trying to focus through the pain and second guessing during an intense Friday morning workout.
Discussion their plan of action for the workout ahead.
The setup for a hang clean, one of the staples for lifting for your typical track and field athlete.
Mid pull for the hang clean.
The hang clean catch.
Zach setting himself up for one of his crucial preseason jumps.
Ready for flight...... the takeoff!
Mid-air long jump.
Sticking the landing.
Zach giving himself a round of applause after seeing his well earned mark culminating from all of his training he has put in. He's excited for what is to come for the 2016-2017 indoor and outdoor seasons!

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