Upper Suites Resident Assistant Staff Meeting agenda: Wednesday, april 12, 2017

Office Mural

Snap Cup

"A brave man acknowleges the strength of others." - Veronica Roth Divergent


Within 48 Hours: Programming Evaluations & Outstanding Receipts

April 23rd: End of the Year Banquet; Upper Dining Center 5:15pm

May 3rd, 6:00pm: End of the Year Upper Suites Celebration

Social Media Engagement

This weeks theme: The 2000's

Program Planning and Updates

snhucalendar.snhu.edu - Check this out daily for events to share with your residents!

April 20th: Best of Manchester Pizza

April 25th: "Get Wrecked" EOY Celebration Donation Sheets

Office Supplies/Games: Who still needs to use what this semester?


Closing Updates/Procedures: Please bring your inventory binders to the office tonight.

Optional Individual Meetings: Starting Monday through the rest of the semester you can decide if you'd like to come to the meeting. Note: Nicole may still ask you to stop in if there's something she needs to touch base with you on. Weekly reports still required! Or just visit Nicole to enjoy playing a game if you need to have a brief mental break

Community/Conduct Updates

What's going on in our communities?

Other Items?

Get all cuddly under the blankets tonight!


Created with images by technicolor76 - "water drops" • scottallenonline - "My Three Pugs"

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