Video Production


What is the purpose of this project?

Who is your Audience or Target Market?

Are there Educational or Language Considerations?

How will the project be viewed?

What should the audience take away from the project?

What's the Deadline?

The Clients

Wants vs. Needs


Inside Resources vs. Outside Resources


Present Budget in Writing

Make Budget Concise

Verify all External Resource rates

Approval in writing before starting work


Give Budget Verbally

Present a long meandering budget

Start a project without approval

Give a budget on the spot ($5 - $1,000,000)

Working Concept

A basic working concept, based on the client needs, on how to best serve your client and build your budget

Talent Needs

On-camera talent needed?

Voiceover Talent?

What is required for the project?


Are there specific locations that must be shown or filmed?

Are permits required?

Is Stock Footage optional?

Time of Year

Will the seasons or weather effect the filming?

Will there be more resources required?

Props, Elements, and Equipment

Are there specific props or elements that are needed to produce the concept.

Special equipment needed for weather or underwater filming?

Delivery and Playback

Are there any specific formats or types needing resources to deliver?

Time and Crew Assesment

Six steps needed in order to figure out a rough plan of people, equipment, and time required to complete the working concept

Time and Crew Assessment

Lay out project's timeline

Assign crew positions/wish list of crew

  1. Plan crew and cast location and travel expenses
  2. Plan crew and cast needs

Calculate production time

Final Review and Revise Budget


Created By
Jon Mattox

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