In a galaxy NOT so far away.... Defend COUGAR NATION We Must


In episode ONE, we realize that hall passes are required. Think about the reasons behind hall passes. Brainstorm three reasons hall passes are needed. Which COUGAR QUALITY could this relate to? Discuss as a class and submit your top class answers here.


In Episode TWO, Darth Langwell realizes that his trash was not our treasure...Brainstorm ways to keep our COUGAR NATION school free from debris. What can YOU do to complete this mission? Discuss as a class and submit answers below. Which COUGAR QUALITY would you connect this with?


Evaluate Episode THREE. Why is this an important skill at CSHS? Discuss as a class. Which COUGAR QUALITY would you connect this with?


With a partner, brainstorm ways/places you use your ID here at CSHS. Then take a minute to think of the reasons behind it. List as many reasons as possible on your paper. Below are a few more. If you have these, check them off. If you do not, add them to your list.

1. Students in the cafeteria line have their IDs handy to automatically deduct the cost of their meals from their accounts. This makes your line move in a faster manner. Less time waiting in line.

2. They help with accurate student check-outs of the school's library resources.

3. This is our most important reason, it promotes safety in our school. If a student trips/falls and needs help, the ID will help us to identify the student and call for help.

4. It also assists teachers and students to get to know each other by name. We are a school family.

What COUGAR QUALITY can you connect to this action?


Tardies, Tardies, Tardies.......This episode is self-explanatory. Why should you be on time to class? I bet you can name that COUGAR QUALITY!


Think about the following questions. What do you think should be included in our dress code? If you could add to the district dress code, what would you include? Write down your ideas and turn them in to your teacher.

Now What? Your teachers are on the lookout for students who exhibit the Cougar Qualities. Be on the lookout for acts of kindness and for students who are demonstrating care and concern for each other. #CSHSCougarsCare


Created with images by mihailmihailovol - "yoda star wars sand" • nalik25390 - "stormtrooper star wars red" • tookapic - "toy lego star wars" • Ayleen Dority - "Star Wars Days 2013 at LEGOLAND" • Kyla Duhamel - "Star Wars Exhibit 2013 Edmonton" • karen_neoh - "Star Wars exhibit sign" • Kyla Duhamel - "Star Wars Exhibit 2013 Edmonton" • skeeze - "cougar puma mountain lion"

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