Original Humanity Chapter 2

God created mankind in his image and his likeness, he blessed them and told them to be fertile and multiply and fill the earth. He created people to be more superior than anything else on the earth. He also gave us every resource we need to survive.

Men and woman should be created equally and have the same rights. For example, women should be paid the same amount as men if they are doing the same job.

Some characteristics of God as a creator are, he is thoughtful, meticulous, loving, forgiving, all powerful, all present.

We can offer our bodies as a living sacrifice for spiritual worship to God. We should always be aware of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. Men should live peacefully without anger or argument and women should have proper conduct with modesty and self control to profess reverence to God with good deeds.

People are scared that a commitment will take away their freedom. Why do people feel this way? Maybe because some people are unwilling to compromise and are sometimes selfish. Compromising doesn't always mean you give up your freedom, you are still your own person and you can do what you please.

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