This is our future The newest generation of house

You are looking for an high tech house?I think that you came at the right place. Let me present to you the newest kind of high tech house that you can get on the market.

Outside,there is a big dome of glass who is transforming all the UV radius to heats so you don't need to pay for the heating during winter.More than that if you hate winter you can set the dome to get the same temperature as summer so if you want to farm for example tomato or swiming outside when the snow is falling, now you can.If you have some plants and then you don't get the time to spray them, it will do it for you and will feel what the plants need to rise.

Inside, every thing is control by a cyber mind who has the capacity to think like us and it has a neuronal capacity to know what you want.For example you wake up and then you are thinking of a cafe it will make one for you.It's just amazing!!! If you get children and you don't have the time to educate them or doing activities.Don't worry the house will do it for you. More than that, the cinema room is just wonderful,when you watch a movie you can feel what the actors are feeling when the cyber mind technologie is active.

Price:2 000 000$$

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