The tuition for the public college and universities of Virginia should be abolished. Education is a public good; so, qualifying students should benefit from free education.

Student debt rates are at an all time high. Students are, often times, left worrying about how they can pay for college, but sometimes their worrying can place holds on them and eventually bring their young lives to a halt. They can feel caged in with no where to turn, and financial aid only provides what they think you need, not what you may actually need.

The thought of paying tuition can take away some of the student's focus. They should be focused on academics; not how they will afford to pay for their tuition bill.

The results of this change would ultimately be student debt rates lowering and college graduation rates growing. Then, more students could potentially have a better chance at living a stable adult life without worrying about paying back large amounts of student debt.


Created with images by Images_of_Money - "Torn Dollar Bill" • taberandrew - "Virginia State Line" • PDPics - "unhappy man mask" • Tim Pearce, Los Gatos - "Prison cell with bed inside Alcatraz main building san francisco california" • luxstorm - "piggy bank saving money" • dlofink - "Red Traffic Light" • jarmoluk - "apple education school" • Pexels - "ceremony graduates graduation"

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