Colorado by conner reynolds

Location details

Colorado is a big square in the middle of the western united states. Colorado is the eighth largest state in the country covering 104,247 square miles. Colorado is one of the few states whose boundaries are not defined by a natural feature. Their are three major land regions in Colorado, the rocky mountains, great plains, and Colorado plateau. There are a couple of important rivers like the Colorado river, the Rio grande, the Arkansas, and the Platte river.


Colorado's climate is cooler and wetter in the Rockies than the plains. In the summer the average temperature in the mountains is about 55 degrees Fahrenheit. The plains average temperature in the summer is 74 degrees Fahrenheit. In winter the mountains temperature is 18 degrees f in the plains it it 28 degrees Fahrenheit.

Historical Information

in 1985 at Summitville mine southwestern Colorado hit gold and was declared a super fund in 1994. In 1955 people started a science-based approached aimed at restoring 200 ha of highly disturbed land.

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