Creation of the Holy Roman Empire

Clovis was on good terms with the roman empire but then turned against them

He formed a dynasty and joined with other frankish tribes

Pepin the short was anointed by the pope

His followers took that as proof that he had god on his side and helping him

Was responsible for expanding the empire into europe

after he died his son began to mess stuff up


Created with images by Harold Litwiler, Poppy Big Oak Photography - "Aya Sophia, Istanbul Turkey" • Jorge Lascar - ""The girl and the cat" (Hagia Sophia)" • fusion-of-horizons - "untitled image" • david__jones - "Clovis, first king of France" • GeS - "Clovis" • *_* - "Tomb of Clovis @ Basilique de Saint-Denis @ Saint-Denis" • frozenchipmunk - "Pepin the Short" • Bernt Rostad - "Statue of Charlemagne" • CircaSassy - "A brief history of mediæval and modern peoples (1899)" • maveric2003 - "Charlemagne!"

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