The Bornean Orangutan The Truth Of Their Dwindling Population

"its called fashion, honey."

The Bornean Orangutan is very similar to its cousin, the Sumatran Orangutan. It has a broader face, darker hair, and have a shorter beard. They are less social and are more likely to leave their tree nests to interact on the rainforest floor. The Bornean is 3.3-4.6 feet tall, and 66-220 lbs. Both species are incredibly similar to humans in emotions, caring for their young, and their social bonds and interactions.

The Bornean Orangutan lives in Kalimantan, Indonesia. There are 3 main subspecies that live on the small island. The Northwestern, Northeastern, and Central. The Northwestern is the most endangered, with a tiny population of around 1,500. The Central is least endangered, with the largest population of around 35,000. The Northeastern is the smallest in size and are also the most widespread. The Bornean Orangutan lives in lowland forest, tropical swamps, and mountain forests.

These apes are dying from multiple causes. Deforestation, poaching, and the illegal pet trade all effect their survival. The rapid deforestation of the lowlands and mountains for palm plantations are pushing the orangutans into smaller and smaller spaces, causing more wars between them. The growth of the logging industry also contributes to this. The poaching of these animals for their hair and body parts have deeply wounded the population of young orangutans. The pet trades targets orangutans from infancy to young adulthood to sell them to be "pets", killing the mother in the process of capture. Many orangutans are killed or die because they have nowhere to live.

Organizations like the World Wildlife Foundation is helping to protect the orangutan. They are on a mission to push sustainable farming, securing these landscapes and stopping the illegal pet trade. We can help too. Sustaining from palm oils and other like products protect their forests. If we decrease the demand or the animals and the products that are killing them, we can help save them.

a palm plantation

In conclusion, both humans and other animals will be affected if orangutans or other like animals go extinct. We will all lose a beautiful part of nature for the push of an override of product that, in the end, won't even be completely be consumed. The rainforest ecosystem will suffer damaged, setting of even more extinction. The orangutan is an important world species.


Created with images by Fotocitizen - "orangutan ape monkey" • skeeze - "orangutan sitting ape" • PublicDomainPictures - "adult animal ape" • n_art - "orangutan monkey moscow zoo" • skeeze - "baby orangutan ape primate" • falco - "agriculture tropics tropical" • derwerbepool - "orang utan monkey baby orangutan baby"

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