Dubai Trip around the GLOBAL VILLAGE

Last week we went to the Dubai Specifically to the Global Village with my family. Global Village has 30 pavilions representing more than 75 countries with different cultures. We went to the first country which is Turkey, it is the best country for me than the other countries because I like this country and I hope to travel to see their tradition and their culture. My mother was interested in this country because it has a delicious food also their language is beautiful. I will tell you some different countries in a global village that we visit it with my family China, Turkey, Egypt, Korea, Saudia Arabia, Kuwaiti, Yemen and more countries. In Kuwaiti country it has the best fashion that is the most country we bought in there. Yemen has the best honey that my father interested for this country and he bought many kinds of honey because it is a good and healthy also it is authentic. My young sisters, also me we love the Serious games and we get many toys that we got it when we played to gather. The global village it is the best place for me because you can Dump your energy to walk and play and have fun together and it was the best day for me and I hope to repeat it again.

This view a games in global village.
Kuwaiti entrance to the village.
The honey in the Yemen village.
This view India clothes on the India village.
Famous potatoes restaurant in the Turkish village.
Itaewon Global Village Festival.

In conclusion, Global village is the best place for everyone who visit the UAE Specifically in Dubai because it shows a most tradition of the different countries also it a good trip for me and my family because we intersested and We spent a lovely time.


Photos by Najla Bin Amro

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