Kayleigh's creed

Define a creed A creed is a set of beliefs or aims which guide someone's actions

Line that means the most to me and why? Line:"We believe in the Holy Spirit, the lord, the giver of life. What it means to me:that God created every thing for us, and that we believe in the Holy Spirit.

My creed

I believe that we were made to be kind to everyone so we could live a great life and be forgiven for anything we did wrong. I believe that one day everything will turn out ok and everyone will be happy any where they are. I believe in karma and everything you do bad will come back to you.

Message to live by: the 3 c's to live by. Choices, chance, changes. You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will neve change

What does it mean to be a catholic? It means that I can have my own beliefs and no one will judge me for it and I can be myself and many people will like me for who I am. I'm also allowed to say what I think and people will tell me the truth. Being catholic also means that I believe in God.
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