Þingvellir National Park

Þingvellir National Park was founded in 1930, marking the one-thousandth anniversary of the Althing. The park was later expanded to protect the diverse and beautiful natural phenomena in the surrounding area, and was designated as a World Heritage Site in 2004. This national park in the municipality of Bláskógabyggð in southwestern Iceland, about 40 km northeast of Iceland's capital.

Þingvellir became a national park as a result of legislation passed in 1928 to protect the remains of the parliament site, thus creating the first national park in Iceland. People come from all around the world to visit the park to see the beautiful park natural stuff like rivers

If it’s not taken care of the trails would disappear and you wouldn't be able to hike around the park .

There are several roads leading to Thingvellir National Park which is located approximately 45 km northeast of Reykjavík.Take road no. 1 heading north out of Reykjavík. After driving through the town Mosfellsbær take the first exit to the right at roundabout onto road no. 36 to Thingvellir. This route follows the main road to Thingvellir and is ploughed most days during the winter.


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