Jaffna Archaeological Museum is located in Nallur, Jaffna, Sri Lanka. The land was given to museum by Arumuga Navalar Foundation, and front portion has Navalar Cultural Hall. The museum houses a rare collection of antiquities. Buddhist and Hindu religious collection are in big collection, which are in various forms of metal, wood and stone. The excellent collections begin in time from the period of ancient period Sri Lanka to the colonial era. Also, some of the archaeological excavations findings of Kandarodai can seen at this museum.
A land owned by Sri Arumugam Navalar was gifted to the Department of Archaeolgy by Arumuga Navalar Foundation in 1975 and in 1978, the museum building was constructed on the land under the supervision of Dr. Roland Silva, the then Commissioner of Archaeology. A large portion of space in the building has been used for exhibition stalls.
The Regional Museum of Jaffna has been arranged to cover the area of Jaffna. Antiquities with archaeological heritage and historical value are exhibited in the museum. An excellent collection of items received from various places and donated by various persons in Jaffna centred Northern Province are kept in the museum. This collection of items which illustrate Buddhist and Hindu religious heritage includes items of metal, wood and stone. In addition to them, a large number of coins (of different periods and forms) is also available in the museum.
Here you can see many historical sites, including ancient coins, ceramics things, ceremonial, cultural things, chalk engravings, chank things, due materials, fighting equipments, ornaments, statues, stone sculptures
chalk Engravings

It was here in 1978, and received from, the historical symbol kantarota and these made by chalk engravings

fighting equipments

It is used in the early 5th century, during the reign of the king he used these equipment made of iron to punish criminals and importantly used to commit war with other states. and used to people's needs

Ancient coins

They were found in the area kantharodai and these 1000 years old coins

ceremonial and cultural products
It is used to hunt animals mainly used to kill animals in the Horn
In the 5th century, it was used to preserve a woman's jewelry
It is largely used to predict the time of the Second Century AND THIS WATCH NAME IS SUNWATCH
This is used by Hindu temples, This 1000 Years old thing, and "vilaiku" will say this in the tamil language
THIS IS USED BY HINDU TEMPLES, THIS 1000 YEARS OLD THING, AND "mani" WILL SAY THIS IN THE TAMIL LANGUAGE. They were found in the area kantharodai,jaffna
It is used to place a betel box was used by the ancient people

Most are made of brass, which was used by ancient womens and used queen of kings, they are safe in this museum

granite statues

These are the idols of the Hindu god, These are largely made of granite and 1000 years old

ceramics things

They are made of clay in the 5th century, used mostly beautiful things

conch things

in ancient times,many of which have been collected at sea taken from the date they are immortal

tusk things

By that time, the elephant is a proof that many beneficiary. Developed by the most beautiful elephant tusks

stone sculptures

The engraved images of Gautama Buddha. These are made of stones

It is an inscription which was found in the temple of Ganesha kailasa this place that they should not go without the written permission of the Government
Gautama Buddha was sitting on the stone, which is allegedly
It was used in ancient times is the object of the game. The name of the game pallankulli
It is an instrument created by the Pottery
1819 may 24 she died, it was the queen victoria. protected she is dress and photos this museam
this was a queen victoria
the end thank you for a watch

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