Photosynthesis light energy into chemical energy

Light dependent Reaction

Occurs in thylakoid membrane of the chloroplasts chlorophyll absorb energy from sunlight which is moved to the photosystem

Photosystem 2 - light energy excites electrons, it is also used to split a water molecule, in this process oxygen is released, protons stay in the thylakoid space and the excited electron enters the electron transport chain which moves it along electron-carriers to Photosystem 1 while the electrons are moving protons are pushed into the thylakoid space

Photosystem 1 - tranfers electron to ferrodoxin (a protein), ferrodoxin transfers electrons to the electron-carrier NADP+, which helps forming the energy-storage molecule NADHP

protons move through the ATP synthase and ADP is converted to ATP

Light Independent Reaction

Calvin Cycle - six carbon dioxide molecules combine with six 5-carbon compounds to build twelve 3-carbon molecules called 3-phophoglycerate: carbon fixation, ernergy stored in ATP and NADPH is transferred to the 3-PGA molecules to form high-energy molecules called glyceraledehyde 3-phosphate, ATP donates the phosphate groups for forming G3P molecules, NADPH supplies hydrogen ions and electrons, two G3P molecules leave the cycle for the production of glycose and other organic compounds, rubisco enzyme turns the remaining ten G3P molecules into 5-carbon molecules called ribulose 1, 5-biphosphates, these combine with new carbon dioxide molecules


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