Course Journal joanne harrison

This is my course journal for the AdobeGen UX/UI Development Course, where I can see all my thoughts in one place and not have to look at several documents to see my thought process.

Assignment One: For Class 1, we have to identify a problem that can be solved as part of this UX/UI course. Over the course of this week, I will find the time to conduct some observations and chat with course buddies.

Personas for the Plant Identification app that I would like to develop.

I have noticed that although you have apps that have a database identifying plants with their generic names and latin derivatives. However there are none specifically for Tropical Plants and I want to take it a step further so that the app can, using the camera lens, match what is already in the database and make identifyiing the plant easier instead of searching through a database and you may or may not match manually. I am hoping through creating personas, I will be able to match the needs of the professional landscaper, garden hobbyist and the regular housewife looks to make their garden beautiful!
Created By
Joanne Harrison


Created with images by kev-shine - "flower"

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