Aloha! Welcome to Kona, Hawaii Silvilina Fejeran

This is Henry Hanabusa's car. Lulu stole it and crashed into a tree after she found out Jimmy died in Vietnam. She drove to the top of Dead Man's Slide, turned off the ignition, and let out the break. After the accident she had to go to Doc McAllister's once a week to get the glass out of her face. Lulu had small gashes all over her cheeks and lips. She had a row of stitches from her jaw to her chin on one side of her face.

Lulu meets a guy on the beach. They've gotten close, and might get into a relationship. The bad thing is that he's married. He likes Lulu, but he won't leave his wife for her. Annie tried to tell Lulu to be careful, but she wouldn't listen. Lulu thought that they would run away together, but it's not going to happen.

Lately Lulu and Annie would go to the bay for a swim. It was usually just a casual swim. That changed when the girls found out what really happened to their mother. Both girls were angry and overwhelmed. Lulu ran to the bay and Annie chased after her. She had trouble getting Lulu out of the water. They both get out of the water and rest on the beach.


Created with images by jurvetson - "Water Cycle" • Sicnag - "1955 Desoto Diplomat SP25 Plaza Sedan" • Por mi tripa... - "Mirando al mar" • u07ch - "Sunrise Keauhou Bay"

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