Spring Break Vacation Alicia Robinson

The place I wanna go on spring break is Las Vegas. How will I get to Las vegas well I would take a plane. It will take 6h and 10 min to get there. Where will I stay when I get there i would probably stay in a hotel or rent a house or apartment for the time that i'm there. Three things that I would do on my vacation is I would drive around and look at all the lights. Another thing I would do is I would go ride the roller-coaster called X-scream. Another thing that I would do is go to the Las vegas strip and go shopping and walk around. One of the restaurants Las Vegas is known for is Buffalo Wild Wings. Another place to eat that it is best known for is eating inside the casino.The best one is the Sy steakhouse also could be in casino's.

The Las Vegas lights that it is best known for.
The Las Vegas strip for shopping


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